The Albtraumnacht is an annual concert series from Munich. The metal band Entoria takes over the organization.

2022: Albtraumnacht vol. 5:
⚠ Unfortunately, we cannot hold the event as planned due to the current restrictions. Alternate date is 09.07.2022.
What started in 2016 is 2022’s anniversary: ALBTRAUMNACHT turns FIVE. In this anniversary edition of the small event, in addition to a badass lineup, there are some specials.
Lineup of the fifth Albtraumnacht
SACRIFICE IN FIRE aus Pfaffenhofen
[HELL INC] aus Unterföhring
ENTORIA aus München
We thank our sponsors for their cooperation:
Festival History

2020: Albtraumnacht vol. 4:
The fourth edition of the Albtraumnacht was distinguished by a new attendance record. The concert series has established itself in the local music scene.
Lineup: Entoria, Red to Grey, Sasquatch, Flame or Redemption

2019: Albtraumnacht vol. 3.
Since 2019 the event takes place at the Backstage Club. Due to longer playing times of each band, the lineup has been reduced from 5 to 4 bands.
Lineup: Entoria, Mytherine, Empyreal, Knopf

2017: Albtraumnacht vol. 2.
The next year the event was renamed to its current name “ENTORIAS ALBTRAUMNACHT”. This is a reference to the song “Albtraum” from the band’s first album.
Lineup: Entoria, Chaedrist, Pentarium, Mornir, Sweeping Death

2016: the first Albtraumnacht
The first event took place in 2016 still under the name “ENTORIA METAL FEST” in the Garage Deluxe in Munich. Here 5 live bands performed.
Lineup: Entoria, Asmoday, Atropos Wrath, Abyss, Goblin
More information about the Albtraumnacht
Further information for cooperation partners and sponsors can be found in our information brochure.