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Steff – Bassist of Entoria

Steff - Bass bei Entoria

1. Name: Steff

2. Title: – intranslatable pun –

3. Band duty: Bass man

4. A band I would die for: Blind Guardian

5. My last words: ‘We don’t want to be like chairs, adapting to every ass!’

6. Play this at my funeral:
Astral Doors – London Caves

7. Write this on my grave stone:
‘Stop staring at me and get down here’

8. If first I conquer world domination, the first thing I do is:
Open a keg!

9. Favourite quote: : ‘The struggle for martial superiority is so tedious. The superiority of ideas… that is the quoin of my realm.’ – Moira O´Deorain

10. Favourite time of day: 5 before 12

11. Because: a nice wheat beer

12. Favourite Entoria song: Die Stumme und der Einsiedler

13. First band I ever saw live: Catamenia

14. I’ve been making music since: then

15. The reason why I got started with this shit in the first place:
a perverse craving for prestige 😉

16. What’s your position on the following statement: ‘Mummies are basically zombies in bandages’: Uh, can I get another hint?